Bilingual / ELL Services


To enhance English learners’ (ELs) language acquisition and support their academic growth.


To cultivate instructional practices that will prepare and support all EL students to achieve academic success while maintaining students’ cultural and linguistic integrity.

We Strive To

  • Support the implementation of proven research-based practices that result in increased language proficiency for culturally and linguistically diverse students.
  • Support the implementation of proven research-based practices that results in increased academic proficiency as outlined by the WIDA ELD standards and the Common Core Standards.
  • Support purposeful and meaningful professional development for staff working with English Language Learners
  • Cultivate the partnership between school and families of English Language Learners.

EL Program Options

Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE):  20 or more students

The Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) program is designed to provide native language instruction in Spanish (as necessary and appropriate) and English as a Second Language instruction/support to students who qualify for services. These services are offered in grade Pre K-8 and may consist of bilingual instruction in Spanish and English and/or ESL classes with Spanish language support based on the students needs as determined by screener or ACCESS test results.

Current TBE Language Groups (SY 2023-2024)

  • Spanish

Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI): 19 or fewer students of a single language group.

Dually Classified Students (Special Education including Early Childhood Special Education, and English Language Services)

Support services are offered in native languages who require special education services based on their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and their English Language Programming (TBE) Transitional Bilingual Program or (TBI) Transition Program Instruction. Please refer to the Specialized Services page for more information regarding services via an Individualized Education Plan if found eligible. 

Contact Us

Araceli Suarez-Salgado
Coordinator of Bilingual Department